Welcome to INCLUDE+, a network dedicated to exploring and fostering social and digital environments where everyone can thrive. From 2022 to 2027, this five-year program aims to build a robust knowledge community addressing inequalities in digital society.


IN+ ART Iterations explores digital equity and the implications of INCLUDE+ Principles. Our initiative seeks to co-examine what digital equity means for artists and the communities they engage with.


Our research and community practice spans algorithmic social justice, responsible and inclusive digital innovation, digital civics, and health. We strive to understand how wellbeing, precarity, and civic culture interplay with broader structural inequalities and how these are experienced and navigated by various communities.


Our second annual event, on the theme of Mean[IN]gful Digital Inclusion, engages with attendees through the participatory practices adopted by our Feasibility Study leads. We showcase current funded projects and activities by inviting participants to experience the approaches and methods used by within each project. We bookend these experiences with discussions and roundtables, where we ask everyone to explore what a digital inclusive society would feel like.


A number of stacked blue, yellow and black squares with circular holes containing, variously, an internet icon, leaf, kneeling figure looking at a laptop. A figure is climbing a ladder to a higher square assisted by a women reaching out from above.

a [Cautiously] Speculative Take On Digitally Equitable Futures.

Is digital equity a utopian idea? A digitally equitable world would be a place where all people can access and use digital technologies to meaningfully participate in society, democracy, and economy. Just imagine: no systemic barriers and anyone (regardless of their gender identity, race, [dis]ability, and/or social-economic status and other intersectional factors) would have the … Read more

Checking in on the assumptions, terms & conditions of [digital] civic participation

Civic Participation is one of the key thematic areas being explored by the INCLUDE+ Network. Our 5-year programme aims to co-explore how/if meaningful civic participation can take place in digital times. To better understand the existing civic participation landscape, we decided to carry out a horizon scanning activity — a future-oriented consideration and analysis of … Read more
Plain playing-piece figures

Gatekeeping the boardroom—this is getting a little old, isn’t it?

Truly inclusive governance requires going beyond seeking out diverse perspectives—it requires active efforts to foster an inclusive environment. An organisation’s culture needs to be reflected in its advisory board, especially as the board’s role is, in part, to hold the organisation to its values. Unfortunately, boardrooms don’t have a great track record for being inclusive. So creating an inclusive boardroom might mean we have to throw the boardroom out with the bored-water… 

Upcoming Events

Funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
EPSRC logo
INCLUDE+ is a collaboration between
University of Cambridge logo
University of Exeter logo
University of Sheffield logo
Swansea University logo
University of Leeds logo