IN+ Principle: Meaningful Digital Inclusion

Meaningful digital inclusion refers to the active and equitable participation of individuals and communities in the digital world, with a focus on ensuring that this participation is valuable, relevant, and beneficial to all. 

The INCLUDE+ Process emphasises the importance of thinking beyond mere access to digital technologies and considers factors such as skills, knowledge, agency, and the ability to fully engage and benefit from digital resources and opportunities. To achieve this, INCLUDE+ initiatives should consider supporting people’s critical digital and data literacies.  


  • Accessibility and relevance of digital equity strategies and resources to all community members
  • Development and support of critical digital and data literacies
  • Engagement and agency of participants in digital spaces

Evaluation Questions:

  • How does the project ensure access to and engagement with digital equity for all, especially marginalised groups?
  • What steps are taken to enhance participants’ critical understanding and effective use of digital and data resources?
  • How is the relevance and value of digital equity co-examined and ensured for diverse community members?

Useful resources:

World Bank – Top 5 tips for achieving meaningful digital connectivity that drives resilient, inclusive growth (Puliti, 2022)

Principles for Digital Development

Connect Humanity

“Digital inclusion is enabled by human rights-based, intersectional, and whole-of-society policies
and multi-stakeholder approaches and actions, that take into account the various barriers
individuals face when accessing and experiencing digital technologies.

Digital inclusion should aim to dismantle existing structural social inequalities and enhance
well-being for all. We must aim for inclusion that is equitable, so that everyone online has the same
opportunities and that marginalized communities are not left behind.”

(United Nations, n.a.)