IN+ Principles

INCLUDE+ Process is our attempt to create an inclusive, holistic, and responsive (or agile) model to systematically address the topic of digital equity. In the context of our work, we’re specifically focusing on three broad areas: (1) wellbeing; (2) precarity, and (3) civic participation.   

Six open-ended principles come together to inform the development and implementation of our INCLUDE+ Process, which is central to our work as a network. These core principles are meant to guide us when designing and implementing community-centred projects in ethical and inclusive ways. These principles are not set in stone, nor are they meant to be all-encompassing.

INCLUDE+ Process: mindful & anti-disciplinary [co]navigation of digital inequality landscapes.  

We acknowledge the unpredictability and messiness of participatory processes. We know that our definitions of what it means to do things in a sustainable, inclusive, and responsive way might differ depending on the specific context. 

Let’s be honest, despite our best intentions and meticulous project planning, things do not go according to plan. At INCLUDE+ we are keen to celebrate divergent ideas and practice co-creation that emphasises the importance of critical reflection and responsiveness. Our INCLUDE+ Principles are meant to help us to take a moment to explore our assumptions, potential pre-imposed impact ideas, and limitations – and to propose realistic steps to address these. 

Read more about our INCLUDE+ Process
Read our full Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Statement