Alicja Pawluczuk

Job title: Research Fellow

School: School of Media and Communication

Location: University of Leeds


Alicja has over a decade of experience in co-designing, facilitating, and evaluating digital inclusion, digital literacy and ICT-enabled and/or focused education programmes in the UK and internationally. Alicja has experience working both on high-level digital development programmes (e.g. United Nations University, ITU, EQUALS-EU, Council of Europe, USAID) as well as smaller-scale community-led projects (e.g. digital literacy workshops, digital rights). She has a track record of peer-reviewed publications and cross-disciplinary public engagement activities. Her research has informed a number of international policy-making efforts and recommendations in the context of digital inclusion.The key areas of her expertise include digital inclusion, gender digital divide, digital youth work, and digital and data literacies. Her research and educational practice work are grounded in democratic, participatory, experimental, and interactive methodologies (both online and offline). She aims to cultivate authenticity, tolerance for ambiguity, critical thinking, and empathy in her work. She is a founder of a digital inclusion and digital literacy collective – Digital Beez.