Job title: Co-Investigator
School: Department of Sociological Studies
Location: University of Sheffield
Faculty profile link:
Position: Lecturer in Digital Media and Society
Dr Ysabel Gerrard is an Early Career Researcher and graduate from the Research Intern programme at Microsoft Research New England. She is Vice Chair of the ECREA Digital Culture and Communication Section, a member of Facebook and Instagram’s Suicide and Self-Injury Advisory Board and Lead Academic Contributor to Instagram’s new policies on body-related posts, launched in September 2019. Through Ysabel, we will collaborate with Instagram to secure secondments and exchanges, and internationalise the Network+ through ECREA. Her research focuses on mental health, young people and digital inequalities and as PI of a British Academy Small Grant she already has significant international and critical standing. She will lead the secondment programme for the Network+ drawing on her own experience to mentor doctoral, post doc, ECRs and individuals from across the wider INCLUDE+ community.