Mapping problematic practices and defining criteria for (non) compliance with data protection, online safety and digital service regulation for children
5Rights Foundation has played a key role in defining regulatory standards for children’s privacy and safety in the digital environment. Now, with the passage of the Online Safety Bill (OSB) in the UK and the entry into force of the Digital Services Act (DSA) in the EU, we have the opportunity to build on the Age Appropriate Design Code (AADC) and drive compliance by ensuring coherent and robust implementation and enforcement by regulators in the UK and EU. For this, evidence is needed based on a robust set of criteria.
The purpose of this fellowship is to develop a database framework, with criteria and weighting, for ongoing monitoring by researchers and compliance assessment of the practices of companies
operating in the UK and EU that have a substantial impact on children.

Hosted by 5Rights Foundation
5Rights Foundation, the brainchild of Baroness Beeban Kidron, started as a set of principles that would reimagine the digital world as a place children and young people were afforded their existing right to participate in the digital world creatively, knowledgeably and fearlessly.
Endorsed and informed by academics, parents, policy makers, teachers and healthcare professionals, these principles were also shaped by what children and young people told us they needed from the digital world to thrive.
In 2018, 5Rights developed from an idea into an organisation. Now an internationally active non-governmental, non-profit charitable organisation, 5Rights Foundation is headquartered in London with an office in Brussels, which opened in early 2021.